
Cordyceps Mushroom: The Athlete’s “Performance Elixir”

Cordyceps is a type of mushroom that’s been used for medicinal purposes in China since ancient times. In recent years, many scientific studies have shown that it may be hugely beneficial for athletes looking to boost endurance.

There are more than 600 species of Cordyceps mushrooms. They are parasitic fungi, most of which feast on insects and arthropods from the inside out, making them entomopathogenic fungi. For this article, we will be looking at 2 species of Cordyceps; Cordyceps Sinensis, which can only be harvested wild in a few select regions of the world, and Cordyceps Militaris, which is the cultivated species commonly available in supplements.

Global demand for Cordyceps sinensis and its cultivated counterpart, cordyceps militaris, is increasing. In 2018, the cordyceps market was valued at more than $470 million, and it’s on track to be over $1 billion by 2026.

Often referred to as the “zombie mushroom,” wild Cordyceps mushrooms (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) grow from the caterpillar of the Asian Hepialus moth. When found in the wild, the mushroom will be above the ground’s surface with the body of the insect below.

Cordyceps sinensis is rare in the wild because this fungus requires specific environmental growing conditions to thrive. It is mainly harvested by locals at very high elevations on the Tibetan Plateau in Tibet and the Himalayan regions of Bhutan and Nepal. Cordyceps Sinensis is very expensive (around $20,000 per kilogram) and difficult to find in supplementary form. It cannot be cultivated, and can only be purchased in its whole form in a few Asian countries. 

Nicknamed “Himilayan gold,” Cordyceps sinensis  has become a significant contributor to household incomes in its harvesting regions, causing recent disputes over the harvesting territories. In order to prevent outsiders from harvesting the mushrooms, the Chinese government now issues harvesting permits only to local land holders for access to the growing regions.

(For more on Cordyceps sinensis harvesting and the lifestyle in Tibet, see Daniel Winkler’s article in Fungi Magazine)

Cultivating Cordyceps Militaris

Cordyceps Militaris

Cordyceps Militaris is functionally comparable as a mushroom species that is cultivation-friendly, has many of the same compounds as Ophiocordyceps sinensis, delivers the same health benefits, CAN be cultivated, and is much more accessible and sustainable. This mushroom in the wild is “found mainly in grassland and on woodland edges but also occasionally pushing up through bare soil during late summer and autumn. Growing on underground pupae of moths, this ascomycete parasitizes its host, turning it into a mushy mess and then pushing up through the turf as a bright orange club. In China related species are highly prized as edible fungi.”

Cordyceps Militaris is now cultivated in laboratories and is easily available in supplementary form on the market. Tahoe Botanicals Cordyceps Tincture contains the highest level of beneficial properties. 

Excessive consumption of Cordyceps may cause a few mild side effects like stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and dry mouth.

Health Benefits of Cordyceps

Cordyceps helps athletes to naturally level up their strength, stamina and performance, and for its ability to restore energy after times of physical exertion and illness.

The Cordyceps mushroom has been called “the performance elixir,” and has earned a positive reputation with performance-focused athletes.  Below are just a few of the many benefits that have been verified by science.

VO2 Max and Cordyceps

Cordyceps has energizing effects from its beta-d-glucans- which help deliver oxygen to all areas of the body on a cellular level, improving stamina and aerobic capacity. In 2016, a group of healthy individuals supplemented Cordyceps Militaris for 3 weeks. They demonstrated an impressive improvement in VO2 max (time it takes till exhaustion), and “ventilatory threshold.” VO2 max tests one’s fitness level, and is defined as the “maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise.”

Fatigue Resistance

In 1998 a double-blind study was carried out at the Beijing Medical University Sports Research Institute revealing promising results for those supplementing Cordyceps. It was shown to reduce the production of lactic acid and other oxygen by-products that cause muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue symptoms include muscle twitching, soreness, trembling, and localized pain. The test group that used Cordyceps reported “improved lactate clearance.” During intense activity, our bodies produce lactase, a form of lactic acid, and this buildup causes symptoms we want to avoid like muscle weakness and debilitating cramps. Cordyceps is very beneficial in combatting this issue. 

Energy Production

Cordyceps supports the production of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is our body’s primary source of energy – and is required to strengthen our muscles and keep us moving through both exercise and day to day activities. Our ATP levels determine our energy level,  and our physical strength.

ATP molecules store energy in the body, releasing it for use in small increments. Because it’s been used as a remedy for weakness/fatigue, people experiencing altitude sickness have been given Corpyceps. 

It seems that cordyceps militaris can help support endurance during activity, making it a useful mushroom for athletes and recreational exercisers—particularly those who perform long-duration activity such as running and cycling.

Tahoe Botanicals Cordyceps Tincture

Our Cordyceps Tincture is double-extracted to provide both water soluble and alcohol soluble elements for maximum benefits.

We use organic grain alcohol to extract certain compounds and terpenes, and then natural spring water to extract other compounds, like polysaccharides and beta-glucans.

We use only the highest quality, organically grown Cordyceps fruiting bodies in our tinctures, always made in small batches by hand in a laboratory, with care and precision by dedicated herbalists.

When you consume cordyceps fungus, you can expect the following health benefits:

• Increased lung capacity

• Increased recovery from stress

• Improved overall vitality

• Antiviral and antimicrobial benefits

• Increased ATP

• Increased oxygen-carrying capacity to allow you to breathe better

• Improves the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic lung conditions

•Cordyceps has also been proven effective in increasing athletic performance.

Excellent video about Cordyceps:







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  • This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any diseases.
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